このたび、橘 充弘医師が、高知大学教授会より、客員教授の名称を付与されました。
Dr. Mitsuhiro Tachibana, the Department Head, has been appointed as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Pathology at Kochi University.
The Faculty Council of Kochi University has granted Dr. Tachibana the title of Visiting Professor. Moving forward, Dr. Tachibana will continue to contribute to the education of students at both Kyoto University School of Medicine and Kochi University School of Medicine.
We are pleased to announce that Chief Director Tachibana has passed the 2024 5th Special Molecular Pathologist Examination and has been certified as a Special Molecular Pathologist by the Japan Society of Pathology.
この度、主任部長の橘 充弘医師が、病理専門医資格更新し、専門医に認定されました。
Dr. Mitsuhiro Tachibana, our Chief Director, has successfully renewed his certification as a Pathology Specialist through the Japan Medical Specialty Board. He has been re-recognized as a specialist. Moving forward, we will continue to strive for high-precision pathological diagnostic services. Thank you for your continued support.

We hold a conference every two weeks to discuss interesting cases of radiological images and rare pathological diagnoses. Participants will examine radiological images alongside pathological specimens for insightful analysis. We encourage attendance from professionals across various fields.

Starting in April 2024, we will hold a monthly interdisciplinary conference on breast cancer involving the departments of Surgery, Diagnostic Radiology, Radiation Oncology, and Diagnostic Pathology. We encourage all medical technologists, residents, and nursing staff to participate actively.

漫画・ドラマ「フラジャイル」や仲野徹著「こわいもの知らずの病理学講義」、病理医ヤンデル(@Dr_yandel)|Twitter 等で徐々に認知されはじめていますが、当科は病院の「診療部門」の一つで、病理専門医は、細胞検査や診断用顕微鏡標本の作製などを業務とする臨床検査技師と共に病理診断業務を行っています。
About Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Shimada General Medical Center
As is gradually becoming known through the manga and TV drama "Fragile," Toru Nakano's "Lectures on Pathology without fear," and pathologist Dr. Yandel (@Dr_yandel)|Twitter, etc., our department is one of the "medical departments" of the hospital, and pathologists are responsible for cell tests and preparation of diagnostic microscopic specimens, etc. The pathologist performs pathological diagnosis together with clinical technologists, whose duties include cell tests and preparation of diagnostic microscopic specimens.
For medical procedures such as diagnosis and treatment, pathologists perform endoscopic examinations to observe the inside of the stomach, large intestine, and lungs, and surgical procedures to remove tissues and organs such as the liver, thyroid gland, and spleen. In addition, cells collected from sputum, urine, fluid abnormally accumulated in the body (luminal fluid), thyroid gland, breast, and lymph nodes may be examined by fine-needle aspiration. The Department of Pathology diagnoses diseases by observing these collected tissues, organs, and cells mainly with an optical microscope.
In addition to specimens collected at the hospital, the Department also performs confirmatory diagnosis on referred patient specimens.
残念ながら治療の効なく不幸にして患者さんが亡くなられた場合には、主治医が病理解剖(剖検) の許可をお願いすることがあります。剖検も病理診断科の大切な仕事です。剖検とは、「どうしてこういう症状がでたのか?」とか、「どうして患者さんは亡くならねばならなかったのか?」とか、「治療効果は十分あったのか、治療法は正しかったのか?」などの疑問に対して、病理形態学的解析によって回答することです。どんなに画像診断や特殊な診断技術が向上しても、実際に身体を隅々まで調べることは出来ません。剖検によって初めて確かめられる事実はまだまだ多くあります。もちろん剖検したからといって亡くなられた患者は戻らないのですが、剖検によって明らかになった事実が主治医の貴重な経験となり、よりよい医療に結び付きます。つまり、剖検はその病院の医療の質を保証する大変重要な業務なのです。
About Pathological Diagnosis
Correct diagnosis of a disease is a prerequisite for appropriate treatment. In order to make a correct diagnosis, the attending physician performs various tests such as blood tests and radiological imaging examinations. Pathological examinations are performed to diagnose the disease by observing the collected tissues and cells under a microscope. In other words, pathological diagnosis is to determine the disease from the morphology of the tissues and cells.
Histopathological specimens are fixed (cells and tissues that have left the body are placed in a fixing solution called formalin or ethanol to prevent gradual breakdown), embedded (placed in wax called paraffin to make thin slices and harden), and thinly sliced (3 to 4), thin sectioning (cutting into slices as thin as 3 to 4 micrometers (1/1000th of a millimeter) in order to stick them on glass), and staining (coloring the cells to make them easier to see). Usually, a small piece of tissue taken by endoscopy is ready in one or two days, and a large piece of tissue removed by surgery, such as from the stomach, is ready in about one week.
Detailed observation under a microscope is sufficient to determine the nature of the tissue and cells.
However, some cases are difficult to determine. In such cases, in addition to the usual staining, we also use immunohistochemical staining, electron microscopy, and other techniques to obtain a second opinion from other pathologists through the Japanese Society of Pathology and/or the National Cancer Center CIS Pathology Diagnosis Consultation Service in order to reach a correct diagnosis. In addition, we are making efforts to reach a correct diagnosis by obtaining second opinions from other pathologists through the Japanese Society of Pathology and/or the National Cancer Center CIS Pathology Consultation Service.
In addition, we can quickly diagnose during surgery whether or not the cancer has spread to the margins of the removed organ or to other sites such as lymph nodes by preparing frozen specimens and report the results to the operating room within 10 to 15 minutes. This rapid diagnosis by the pathology department allows the primary surgeon to proceed with the surgery with peace of mind. The results of the rapid diagnosis determine the appropriate surgical procedure.
Organs removed during surgery are also examined by the pathology department. In addition to reconfirming the preoperative clinical diagnosis in terms of intraoperative consultation, the pathologist also examines whether or not the bad parts have been completely removed, whether or not any parts remain undone, and whether or not there are any metastases in the lymph nodes, especially sentinel lymph nodes of the breast cancer. It is no exaggeration to say that only after the pathological diagnosis of the surgical material is made can a treatment plan be formulated.
In the unfortunate event that a patient dies after an ineffective treatment, the attending physician may request permission for a pathological autopsy (autopsy). Autopsies are also an important part of the work of the Department of Diagnostic Pathology. An autopsy is an examination of a patient's condition to determine "Why did the patient have these symptoms? or "Why did the patient have to die? and "Was the treatment effective and correct? and "Was the treatment effective and was it correct? No matter how much imaging and special diagnostic techniques are improved, it is not possible to actually examine every inch of the body. There are still many facts that can only be confirmed by autopsy. Of course, an autopsy does not bring back a deceased patient, but the facts revealed by an autopsy provide valuable experience to the attending physician and lead to better medical care. In other words, autopsy is an especially important operation that guarantees the quality of medical care at a hospital.
The Department of Diagnostic Pathology has one full-time pathologist, (Mitsuhiro Tachibana, M.D., Ph.D.,), five part-time pathologists (Akihiko Sugimoto, M.D., Hideki Hamayasu, M.D.,Ph.D., Isao Kosugi, M.D.,Ph.D., Katsutoshi Miura, M.D.,Ph.D., and Yutaka Tsutsumi, M.D.,Ph.D.,), and seven clinical technologists (including five cytologists; CTs) who perform pathological diagnosis for the appropriate treatment of patients.
職名 | 氏名 | 医師免取得年 | 学会専門医資格等 | 備考 |
主任部長 | 橘 充弘 | 1999 | 日本病理学会/日本専門医機構認定病理専門医・研修指導医 日本臨床細胞学会認定細胞診専門医・指導医 日本病理学会学術評議員 死体解剖資格 医学博士 分子病理専門医講習会受講修了 ゲノム病理標準化講習会受講修了 |
京都大学医学部臨床教授 高知大学医学部病理学講座客員教授 |
非常勤 | 杉本 暁彦 | 2018 |
日本病理学会/日本専門医機構認定病理専門医 |
藤田医科大学医学部 病理診断学講座 病院講師 |
非常勤 | 濱保 英樹 | 2007 | 日本病理学会/日本専門医機構認定病理専門医・研修指導医 日本病理学会学術評議員 日本法医学会認定 法医認定医 日本小児科学会/日本専門医機構認定小児科専門医 死体解剖資格 産業医選任資格 医学博士 |
東京都立小児総合医療センター 病理診断科 |
非常勤 | 小杉 伊三夫 | 1985 | 日本病理学会/日本専門医機構認定病理専門医 死体解剖資格 医学博士 |
浜松医科大学 再生・感染病理学講座 准教授 |
非常勤 | 三浦 克敏 | 1980 | 日本病理学会/日本専門医機構認定病理専門医 日本臨床細胞学会認定細胞診専門医 死体解剖資格 医学博士 |
前・浜松医科大学 基礎看護学(健康科学) 講座 教授 |

示説ポスターセッションで、主任部長の橘 充弘医師が発表しました。
賞状と記念品(となりのトトロのマグカップ) が贈呈されました。
優秀演題賞 賞状
1)泌尿器科・放射線科・病理診断科合同カンファレンス; キャンサー・ボード

当科では、隔週水曜日午前8:30 から、約30分程度、泌尿器科症例(通常2例)に関して、キャンサー・ボードカンファレンスを行っております。泌尿器科医師・研修医・放射線診断科医師・放射線治療科医師・病理診断科医師が参加し、臨床所見・放射線画像所見・病理組織学的所見を、電子カルテとdiscussion 顕微鏡に直結した、4K大型モニターで、症例提示・discussion を行っております。

The Department holds a Cancer Board Conference every other Wednesday morning at 8:30 a.m. for about 30 minutes for urological cases (usually two cases).
Urologists, residents, diagnostic radiologists, radiotherapists, and diagnostic pathologists participate in the conference and present and discuss clinical, radiological, and histopathological findings on a large 4K monitor directly connected to an electronic medical record and a discussion microscope.
We encourage the participation of physicians from other departments and residents.

当科では、隔週木曜日午前8:30 から、約30分程度、全科の症例(通常2例)に関して、放射線画像診断・細胞診・組織診断についてカンファレンスを行っております。
放射線診断科医師病理診断科医師が参加し、臨床所見・放射線画像所見・細胞診所見・病理組織学的所見を、電子カルテとdiscussion 顕微鏡に直結した、4K大型モニターで、症例提示・discussion を行っております。
Every other Thursday at 8:30 a.m., we hold a 30-minute conference on radiological imaging, cytology, and histopathology for all departments' cases (usually two cases).
The radiologists and pathologists attend the conference and present and discuss clinical, radiological, cytological, and histopathological findings on a large 4K monitor directly connected to the electronic medical record and the discussion microscope.
We encourage the participation of physicians from other departments and residents.
Discussion 風景
新規大腸粘膜腫瘍様病変-ポリープ様核偏位性大腸炎 (PDF 118KB)